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Articles on Topics of Legal Index Scienceto Periodicals Green Bag 475) he gives most of his attention to Hardwicke, and offers a most interesting article and Related Subjects on his life. See International Law writers. Actions. "When is a Freehold Involved, Consideration. "Antecedent Indebtedness within the Meaning of Section 118 of our Illi nois Practice Act?" By Elmer M. Liessmann. as Constituting Value in New York." By David H. Miller. 13 Columbia Law Review 612 (Nov.). 8 Illinois Law Review 176 (Oct.). "It is submitted that a simple test of whether "It is submitted that the foregoing outline a freehold is involved or not is this: Is there a of the subject considered, shows that the law deed, decree or title regular on its face, and pur in this regard is in a confused and unsatisfactory porting to pass a freehold, under which one condition and that the result of various statutes party claims a freehold, the validity of which as enacted in New York has not been to place is disputed by the other party? If so, then a it on any logical or consistent footing." freehold is involved." Under the Illinois Practice Act a litigant is Constitutionality of Statutes. "The Ameri entitled to go directly from the nisi prius court can Doctrine of Judicial Power, and its Early to the Supreme Court when a freehold is involved. Origin." By William M. Meigs. 47 American Adjudication. See General Jurisprudence. Law Review 683 (Sept.-Oct.). Aerial Law. "Sovereignty of the Air." By "The extant evidence seems to demonstrate Blewett Lee. 7 American Journal of Inter conclusively the intention of the Convention that the judiciaries of the states and of the national Law 470 (July.). central Government should be bound in all cases Useful as an introduction to the literature, to refuse to carry out state laws in violation of already large, of a contentious subject; the the intended Constitution." author directs attention to many of the latest See General Jurisprudence, Police Power. Continental contributions. Contracts. See Consideration. Asexualization. "A Protest Against Laws Authorizing the Sterilization of Criminals and Conveyances. "The Delivery of Deeds in Imbeciles." By Charles A. Boston. 4 Journal of Illinois." By Albert S. Long. 8 Illinois Law Criminal Law and Criminology 326 (Sept.). Review 159 (Oct.). In this notable article, Mr. Boston convinA concise and detailed exposition of Illinois ingly maintains that all legislation of this sort case law. is premature, in view of our lack of the requisite knowledge of the laws of heredity. He quotes Criminal Law and Procedure. "A New Leonard Darwin as saying that asexualization System of Criminal Procedure." By Maurice should not be enforced even on those whom Mr. Darwin regarded as certain to transmit a Parmelee. 4 Journal of Criminal Law and Crimi criminal tendency, until further information nology 359 (Sept.). on the subject is available. The constitutionality This richly suggestive paper is one of the most of the punishment, or penal substitute, also noteworthy of recent articles dealing with a more receives full consideration. scientific procedure. Professor Parmelee indi Biography. "Francis Lieber." By Hon. cates in what way criminal procedure may be Elihu Root. 7 American Journal of International remodeled so as to utilize more accurate methods of determining issues of fact, to theend that the Law 453 (July). process of legal proof may become more rational Senator Root's address as president of the and trustworthy. We reserve the article for American Society of International Law, deliv later notice. ered at the seventh annual meeting, at Wash "A Revolution in English Criminal Proce ington, D.C., last April. "Lord Hardwicke." Blackwood's, v. 194, p. dure." By T. Baty. 47 American Law Review 648 (Sept.-Oct.). 482 (Oct.). "What I desire to draw attention to in this "The damning fault of the work is the author's attitude to his hero. Much may be forgiven to paper, is the change in this respect which is the piety of a collateral descendant, but Mr. rapidly coming over English jurisprudence. It Yorke's idolatry exceeds the utmost bounds of amounts to the introduction of the inquisitional system in a characteristically irregular and un reasonable indulgence." While the writer of this review does not reach authorized way, subject to none of the safe so favorable an estimate of the biographer as guards which attend that system on the Conti has been expressed by Mr. Lovat-Fraser (25 nent. . . .