Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 25.pdf/573

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The Green Bag

Courts: Municipal 329,411,413 of Common Pleas (Philadelphia) 47, 98, 100, 246, 323, 325, 329, 411, 413 of Domestic Relations 47 Criminal Procedure, see Procedure. "Croly's Godkin Lectures, Mr." 275 Direct Government, see Initiative amd Referendum, Judiciary Organization, Recall. Divorce in England '. 38, 79 "Dooley's Opinion of Our Criminal Proce dure, Mr." 40 "Dryasdust ism, The Banishment of" 9 Dynamiting case 98, 102 Editor's Bag, The, 36, 91, 143, 197, 240, 275, 319, 351, 403, 447, 484, 528 England, Judicial Appointments in 495 "Essentials of the Constitution, The" 262 Ettor trial 17, 46 Expert Testimony 69 See Procedure. "Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von"


"Happenings in Court" 202, 278, 407, 454, 486, 531 Harvard University law library 210 "Higher Nationality" 420,447 Historical Miscellany: "Colonial Sumptuary Laws" 96 "Old Prohibition Laws" 487 "Origin of Lynching, The" 393 "Origin of the Hearsay Rule" 304 "Sixteenth Century Jury, A" 296 "House of Lords First Criminal Appeal Case, The" 258 Humorous Miscellany: "Adelphomachous Cat, The" 145 "Business Judge, A" 243 "Candid Witness, A" 532 "Constitutional Sabotage" 244 "Contempt of Court" 530 "Coquelin as Foreman" 199 "Corporation Color" 532 "Correct Stenographic Report, A" 200 "Court-Room Devices" 44 "Curiosity" 455 "Effective Judge, An" 486 "Expediting a Verdict" 530 "Fatal Answer, A" 281 "First Attack, The" 96 "First Duty of Judges, The" 404 "Ghost Story in Court, A" 529 "He Was Prepared" 488

Humorous Miscellany (cont.) : "Humors of German Courts" 97 "Illinois Sentence, An" 279 "Impeachment of the Witness, The" . . . 225 "Law on the Links" 38 "Loyal Spouse, A" 322 "Needed Joke Legislation" 76 "Not to be Caught" 488 "Part of the Winter, A" 454 "Petition to Have Governor Hanged" . . 42 "Statement of Claim, A" 281 "Technical Terms" 488 "Three Points that Win" 19 "Too Much Foresight" 532 "Widow's Third, The" 408 "Worm Turned, The" 95 "Impaneling a Jury in Cook County" .... 440 "Impeachment of the Witness, The" 225 Income Tax 102, 144, 151 Index to Periodicals 26, 82, 136, 189, 232, 266, 310, 341, 475, 518 Indictments, see Procedure. Industrial Arbitration 157 Influence of the Bar 420, 436 Inheritance laws 253, 321, 362 Initiative and Referendum: adopted 51 favored 104 opposed 262, 329, 361 Insurance ^ . . . . 51 International Arbitration: Court of Arbitral Justice 92, 104, 172 Impartial tribunals 92, 172 Inadequacy 306, 319 Panama Canal dispute 91, 103, 132, 149, 197, 205, 285 Relation to the peace movement . . . .289, 320 International law libraries 408 "Interpretation, Genuine and Spurious" . . 504 "Judgment of One's Peers, On the" 55 "Judicial Position, Qualifications for" 228 Judicial Power to Void Statutes as Uncon stitutional 214 Judiciary Organization: Inadequate judicial powers 67 Pensions 143 Removal, see Recall. Salaries 46, 47 Separate elections 46, 52, 355 Short-term tenure 68, 143, 147, 423 See Courts, Procedure, Recall. Juries, see Procedure. Jurisprudence, Juvenile Delinquency General . .74, 112, 162, 419, 152, 536 504