Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 25.pdf/578

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Index to Volume XXV United Winslow. Shoe Machinery Co. case, see U. S. v. U. S. v. Chandler-Dunbar Water Power Co. . . . 402 v. Freight Ass'n 142 v. Healy 318 v. Joint Traffic Ass'n 34 v. Northern Securities Co 46 v. Patten 141 v. Reading Co 89 v. Tan Juanco 305 v. Todd 218 v. Union Pac. Ry 34 v. Winslow 196 Vacher v. London Society of Compositors Van Ness's will. In re Victor Talking Machine Co. v. The Fair

Adams' Social Revolutions

36 527 86


Wanger, Ex parte 373 Ware v. Boydell 62, 63, 64 v. Hylton 218, 219 Webber v. Axtell 139 West v. Kans. Nat. Gas Co 28 Westinghouse Co. v. Wagner Co 235 Whitby v. Mitchell 235, 480 White Denial Co. v. Mass 627 White Studio v. Dreyfoos 402 Whiting v. Sheboygan Co 3 Wilce v. Van Anden 33 Willard v. Comstock 5 Wilson v. Cook 141 v. Goii 88 Wisconsin Keeley Inst. Co. v. Milwaukee County 5 Yick Wo v. Hopkins


Books PAGE 470Reviewed

Bacon and Wyman's Direct Elections Baldwin's Relations of Education to Citizen ship Bar Association Reports 187, 231, Bates' Bench and Bar of California Beard and Schultz's Documents of the Initia tive, Referendum, and Recall Berolzheimer's World's Legal Philosophies . Bigelow's Retrospections, vols. 4 and 5 . . . . Bingham's Monroe Doctrine Black's Income Taxation Booth on Street Railways Borchard's Bibliography of International and Continental Law Brantly's Law of Contract Brisco's Economics of Business Brooks' American Syndicalism Buckland's Roman Private Law Butler's Retrospect of Forty Years

133 230 517 229 133 112 515 445 513 23 263 23 474 444 443 22

Canadian Law List 446 Chance Medley, A 24 Chester's Anomalies of English Law 81 Clark's Control of Trusts 181 Clcphane's Organization of Business Cor porations 340 Cleveland's Organized Democracy 472 Cohen's Trade Union Law 516 Collie's Malingering 473 Collier on Bankruptcy, <H.h ed 21

PAGE Collins' Fourteenth Amendment 400 Constant's fitats-Unis d'Amerique 399 Cook's Law of Corporations 516 Countryman's Copeland's Cotton Supreme Manufacturing Court Industry 442 446 Deiscr's Conflicting Uses of Electricity .... Donovan's Modern Jury Trials Doyle's Case of Oscar Slater Duncan's Scottish Civil Jurisdiction Dunn's Dwight'sPure Journey Foodtoand Ohio Drug Legal Manual

229 230 338 80 231 25

Eddy's New Competition


Fox's English Law Reports


Gephart's Insurance and the State Gest's Lawyer in Literature Goldin's Mishnah

443 513 339

Hadley's Influences in Philosophic Thought Harris's Letters to a Young Lawyer Heisler's Federal Incorporation Hershey's International Public Law

396 135 516 186

Indermaur and Thwaites' Equity Jenks' Short History of English Law Jones's Statute Law Making Judson's Judiciary and the People

230 186 309 473

Ketkar's Essay on Hinduism, v. 2