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The Green Bag

ployee and half by employer. The insurance becomes effective only after ten years' premiums have been paid. At the age of sixty-five, or sooner in case of disability, the pension becomes opera tive, and two-fifths of the pension go to the widow in case of death.

the first attorney to be admitted to the Nebraska bar. Bent, S. Arthur, who died in Boston Nov. 22, was well known as a student of early New England history, and was the author of "Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men," published in 1882, and "Hints on Language" and "Notes to At the November election in Chicago the Golden Legend." only three of the thirteen judicial candi Rayner, Isidor, United States Senator dates for the city courts endorsed by the from Maryland, in some respects per Chicago Bar Association were elected, haps the most brilliant and soundest including Chief Justice Olson of the lawyer in the Senate, died in Washing Municipal Court and Judge William N. ton, Nov. 25, of neuritis, at the age of Gemmill of the Court of Domestic Rela sixty-two. A Hebrew, the son of welltions. The movement for separate bal to-do parents, he was educated at the lots for judicial officers, to take the judges University of Virginia and admitted to out of partisan politics, has received the bar in his native city of Baltimore. strong support in Illinois, a resolution After service in the state legislature he in favor of this reform having been was elected to Congress in 1886, being adopted by the Chicago Bar Association looked upon as one of the leaders of the a few days after the election. In an house during his three terms of office. address on the subject, President John In 1889 he was elected AttorneyT. Richards told the Association that General of Maryland, adding to his repu personally he favored a system of judi tation for eloquence and sound argu cial appointments, rather than an elec ment, and in 1904 he was elected to the tive judiciary. Senate. He was always prominent in debate in that body, and was a master Obituar}) of satire and strong in caustic speech; a strong party man and an ardent advo Atlay, James Beresford, who died in cate of state rights. He rose to an England on Nov. 22, was known in this exalted position in the estimation of the country as the author of "The Trial of nation and of the Senate in a few months Lord Cochrane," "Famous Trials of the of active service, delivering many im 19th Century," and "The Victorian portant and scholarly speeches in that Chancellors." He also edited the works body on constitutional questions. of Hall and of Wheaton on international law, besides publishing various historical Wakeley, Eleazer, the Nestor of the and biographical studies. He was a son Nebraska bar, died Nov. 21 at his home of the late Bishop of Hereford, and was in Omaha, aged ninety. He was ap called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn in 1887. pointed Associate Justice of the Terri Bartlett, John P., who had served in torial Supreme Court in 1857. He was both houses of the New Hampshire counsel for the Union Pacific for a num legislature, died of apoplexy at his home ber of years. Willis, Henry B., Justice of the Appel in Manchester, N. H.. Nov. 18. He was appointed United States Commissioner late Court of the Second Illinois dis for Dakota Territory in 1868, and was trict, died Nov. 7, aged 63.