Page:The Grey Fairy Book.djvu/293

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Next the cat on the roof saw her, and called out ‘Miaouw! miaouw! see here comes Letiko!’

And the mother said, ‘Keep silence! thou beast of ill-omen! wilt thou make me burst with misery?’

Then the cock spied, and called out: ‘Cock-a-doodle-do! see here comes Letiko!’

And the mother said again: ‘Be quiet! thou bird of ill-omen! wilt thou make me burst with misery?’

Letiko gets Home safe after all
Letiko gets Home safe after all

The nearer Letiko and the two hares came to the house the nearer also came the lamia, and when the hare was about to slip in by the house door she caught it by its little tail and tore it out.

When the hare came in the mother stood up and said to it: ‘Welcome, dear little hare; because you have brought me back Letiko I will silver your little tail.’

And she did so; and lived ever after with her daughter in happiness and content.