Page:The Grey Story Book (1905).pdf/24

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of them, led by Bertha Allen and Nell Smith, had broken ranks and were rushing toward the door, and others seemed ready to follow.

"Bertha, Nell, stop where you are!" called the teacher, sternly, catching Bertha by the arm.

"I won't, I won't!" screamed Bertha. "I won't stay to be burned up!" and twisting herself free, she dashed out into the hall, followed by Nell and a few others.

Mabelle, sitting still and playing her little march, turned her head. Even some of the boys showed signs of breaking ranks, and others were beginning to crowd those in front of them. There was just a moment's pause at the piano, and then the strains of "Tramp, Tramp," took the place of the light march.

Almost without thinking, the children began once more to keep time to the music; but several of the girls were crying loudly and others looked ready to fall with fear. Then little Caroline Peck, who had just reached the head of the stairway, her head up and her eyes