Page:The Grey Story Book (1905).pdf/53

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that God has already done everything good for me, and what I have to do is to realize it. I have to realize that my kitten isn't sick, because everything God does is good, and it isn't good that a little kitten should be in pain. Then God didn't do it. Nobody did it, so it can't be sick. Kitty, you really and truly aren't sick and I know you're not."

Jessie sat for a long time, thinking over what she had been taught in Science, and then she put her face down on the cushion beside the little cat, which had grown quiet, and thought some more about how good God is, to do all things for us, and make everything smooth if we only have trust enough to know it, and then she went off to sleep.

When Mamma came home she found her there, with the kitten just waking up and stretching and yawning and catching at the little locks of brown, curly hair that had strayed over her.

Jessie sat up and rubbed her eyes and then caught the playful kitten in her arms. "Oh,