Page:The Grey Story Book (1905).pdf/60

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whizzing through the air and hit Frances' muff, nearly knocking it from her hands.

Frances only laughed. "I'm going to hoist a flag of truce," she said, stopping to tie her handkerchief to her ruler. "There, how is that," and holding it well in view they walked forward once more.

In a moment Joe's face peered around the corner again to see why the girls did not scream and run, as they usually did when the attack began. He was just aiming another ball when he caught sight of Frances' flag of truce. He hesitated, uncertain what to do.

"What's the matter?" whispered Fred. "Are they going back?"

"No, they're waving a handkerchief on a ruler. I guess it means truce. Wonder what they're up to," said Joe in a puzzled tone.

"Well, we'll have to honor a flag of truce, that's sure," said Fred, laughing, "especially when they were smart enough to think of it. Come on, let's go and see what they want."

The boys dropped their snow-balls and came