Page:The Grey Story Book (1905).pdf/9

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A Word to the Grown-ups

LITTLE folks must read, and it seems that it were better that the stories intended for them should be such as will bring the facts and practical uses of Christian Science into their thoughts, rather than those which fail to teach the true sense of prayer and its purpose. We know that God answers prayer; but we must learn to go to Him "in Spirit and in Truth."

You may feel called upon to criticise the precocity of the little folks herein pictured, but they have several reasons for being as they are. In the first place, the stories are written for children and not for grown-up critics, and the effort is to interest the little one, and at the same time to let him see how he can utilize what he has learned in Science, in his everyday affairs. I do not know that this can be accomplished by better means than through the mouths of children who are meeting prob-