Page:The Hambledon Men (1907).djvu/159

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\version "2.18.2"
#(set-global-staff-size 17)

\header { tagline = ##f }

\layout { indent = #0 }

\new Score { <<
\new Staff \relative f'' { \key bes \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override = #'classical \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \mark \markup \bold "CHORUS." \autoBeamOff
  f8.[(^\f ees16)] | d8.[( ees16)] d8.[( c16)] bes8.[( a16)] |
  g2 ees'8.[( d16)] | c8.[( d16)] c8.[( bes16)] a8.[( g16)] |
  f2 d8. ees16 | f4. g8 f4 bes,2 r4 | R2.*3 r4 r }
\addlyrics { That truth, as of yore, That truth, as of yore, is con -- fined to the bowl. }
\new Staff \relative bes' { \key bes \major \clef alto \autoBeamOff
  bes8.[(^\f a16)] | bes8.[( a16)] bes8.[( fis16)] g8.[( d16)] |
  ees2 g8. e16 | f4 f8.[( e16)] f8.[( g16)] | bes,2 bes8. bes16 |
  c4. c8 c4 | bes2 r4 | R2.*3 r4 r }
\addlyrics { That truth, as of yore, That truth, as of yore, is con -- fined to the bowl. }
\new Staff \relative f' { \clef tenor \key bes \major \autoBeamOff
  f8.^\f f16 | f4 f8.[( d16)] d8.[( f16)] | bes,2 c8.[( g16)] |
  c8.[( bes16)] c4 c8.[( a16)] | bes2 f8. bes16 | bes4. bes8 a4 |
  bes2 r4 | R2.*3 r4 r }
\addlyrics { That truth, as of yore, That truth, as of yore, is con -- fined to the bowl. }
\new Staff \relative d' { \clef bass \key bes \major \autoBeamOff
  d8.[(^\f c16)] | bes8.[( c16)] bes8.[( a16)] g8.[( f16)] |
  ees2 c'8.[( bes16)] | a8.[( bes16)] a8.[( g16)] f8.( ees16)] |
  d2 bes8. bes16 | f4. f8 f4 | bes2 r4 | R2.*3 r4 r }
\addlyrics { That truth, as of yore, That truth, as of yore, is con -- fined to the bowl. }
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff <<
    \new Voice \relative f'' { \key bes \major \stemUp
      <f bes,>8. <ees a,>16 |
      <d bes>8. <ees a,>16 <d bes>8. c16 bes8. a16 |
      g2 ees'8. d16 | c8. d16 c8. bes16 a8. g16 | f2 d8. ees!16 |
      f4.^( g8 <f c>4) | bes2 f8.\f g16 | a8. bes16 c8. d16 ees8. f16
      g4^( f) d8.^( ees16) | f4 ees8.^( d16) <c a>8.^( bes16) | bes2 }
    \new Voice \relative f' { \stemDown
      f4 | f f8. fis16 g8. d16 | ees2 <ees g>8. e16 |
      f4 f8. e16 f8. a,16 | bes2 bes4 _~ | <bes c>2 a4 |
      bes2 f'8._\markup \italic "Sym." g16 |
      a8. bes16 c8. d16 ees8. f16 | g,8. a16 bes4 bes |
      <bes f> <bes g> ees, | d2 } >>
  \new Staff \relative d' { \clef bass \key bes \major
    <d d,>8. <c c,>16 | bes8._\markup \small "8vi" c16 bes8. a16 g8. f16 |
    ees4 ees, c''8. bes16 | a8. bes16 a8. g16 f8. ees16 |
    d4 d, <bes' f'> | << { f' f f d } \\ { <c f,> q q bes } >>
    <bes bes,> <d d,>8. <ees ees,>16 |
    f8._\markup \small "8vi" g16 a8. bes16 c8. d16 |
    <ees ees,>4( <d d,>) <g, g,> | <d d,> <c c,> <f f,> |
    <f bes,> <bes, bes,> \bar ".." } >>
>> }

\markup { \column { \line { \caps "Fourth Verse." }
  \line { Long life to the grape; and when summer is flown, }
  \line { The age of our nectar shall gladden my own, }
  \line { Let us drink! who would not? since through life's varied round }
  \line { In the goblet alone no deception is found. } } }