Page:The Hardships of the English Laws in Relation to Wives. Bodleian copy.pdf/67

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ſpread itſelf through all Nations in all Ages, if it did not take its Riſe from Revelation at firſt.

If this is not allowed to be an Argument for the Truth of Revelation, let any Man aſſign ſome other Cauſe for this univerſal Subjection of the Sex; and if it appears to be a true one, I ſhall readily acquieſce in it; and the rather, becauſe I can bring no Authority for thus applying this Argument.

Thirdly, I come now to explain and account for the Curſe of Subjection paſſed upon the Woman, and to ſhew that the Law of England go far beyond it.

I lead for no female Uſurpation, nor am for diſanulling the Laws of the Almighty, which are founded upon eternal Juſtice, Mercy and Wiſdom. I willingly and humbly acquieſce to the Sentence of the Judge of all the Earth, "Since thou haſt done thiſ, thy Deſire ſhall be unto thy Huſband, he ſhall rule over thee." Yet tho' I ſubmit to the Executors of divine Vengeance, I would act be ruled by a Rod of Iron, nor corrected by Scorpions.

"Wherewithal a Man ſins, therewith ſhall he be puniſhed". Wherewithal God puniſhes, therewith doth he ſave. His
