Page:The Harvard Classics Vol. 19.djvu/120

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To fable-books it now doth appertain; But people from the change have nothing won. Rid of the evil one, the evil ones remain. Lord Baron call thou me, so is the matter good; Of other cavaliers the mien I wear. Dost make no question of my gentle blood; See here, this is the scutcheon that I bear! (He makes an unseemly gesture.)

The Witch (laughing immoderately)

Ha! Ha! Just like yourself! You are, I ween, The same mad wag that you have ever been!

Mephistopheles (to FAUST)

My friend, learn this to understand, I pray! To deal with witches this is still the way.

The Witch

Now tell me, gentlemen, what you desire?


Of your known juice a goblet we require. But for the very oldest let me ask; Double its strength with years doth grow.

The Witch

Most willingly! And here I have a flask, From which I've sipp'd myself ere now; What’s more, it doth no longer stink; To you a glass I joyfully will give. (Aside.) If unprepar'd, however, this man drink, He hath not, as you know, an hour to live.