Page:The Harveian Oration,1902.djvu/61

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medulla oblong-ata. We can, however, scarcely expect by artificial methods to reproduce the conditions underlying any particular emotion, and no one has yet succeeded in imitating, either by reflex or central stimulation, the blush so characteristic of the emotions of modesty or shame. But further to discuss these and kindred topics would lead me far beyond the limits of an occasion such as this.

My object has been to present to you a concise sketch of some of the principal relations of the heart to the nervous system which we have learnt since the time of the immortal Harvey. I have left many problems untouched, and as to those on which I have ventured I have, I fear, succeeded only in indicating how much is still hypothetical and uncertain. Doubtless some Harveian orator of the future, if he takes up the same theme, will be able to expound it more luminously in the light of fuller and riper knowledge. This will surely come if only we follow in the foot-steps of our great master, and obey his wise injunction to " search out Nature by way of experiment."