Page:The Harveian oration 1904.djvu/17

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benefactors of this college. The lengthy and honourable roll was so fully dealt with by the learned orator of last year that I shall merely add to his recital the names of those who since that time have given of their substance for the advance- ment of medicine. Dr. Horace Dobell of Park- stone Heights, Dorset, gave the sum of £500 to encourage research into the ultimate origin, evolution, and life-history of bacilli and other pathogenic micro-organisms; Dr. George Oliver, Fellow of this College, of Harrogate, and Farn- ham, Surrey, has given £2,000 to found the Oliver-Sharpey lectureship or prize in memory of William Sharpey of University College, and to encourage the application of physiological knowledge for the prevention and cure of disease and for the prolongation of life; and Lady Clark has presented to us a bust of our revered and lamented former president, Sir Andrew Clark.

No student of the works of Harvey can fail to bear in mind the great loss we have sustained this year in the decease of Sir Edward Sieveking, who in his Harveian Oration drew special attention to the Prelectiones Anatomiae and in conjunction with Dr. George Johnson and other Fellows of this College arranged for the admirable autotype reproduction of Harvey's manuscript which we possess.