Page:The Harveian oration 1905.djvu/41

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career of Dr. Baly, who was a most distinguished Fellow of this College, physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and a leading physiologist. He had attained to a position of great eminence in his profession, while his personal charm and high character won the affection and esteem of all who were brought into contact with him. The medal is awarded every alternate year, on the recommendation of the President and Council, to the person who shall be deemed to have most distinguished himself in the science of physiology, especially during the two years immediately preceding the award, and is not restricted to British subjects. The recipients of the medal include a succession of the most distinguished physiologists, both British and foreign, whom we all delight to honour, beginning with Richard Owen in 1869. This year it has been conferred upon Professor Pawlow, of St. Petersburg, whose fame as a physiologist and pathologist is world-wide. It is much to be regretted that Professor Pawlow is unable to be present on this occasion to receive the medal in person.

11. Murchison Memorial Scholarship (Clinical Medicine).—Many now present must have a vivid recollection of the striking personality of Dr. Charles Murchison, in whose memory this scholarship was founded in 1880. As is well known, he attained great eminence as a practical physician and clinical teacher, and his works were universally regarded as