Page:The Hasty-Pudding.djvu/53

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for fattening swine. Mixed with either of the white gourd-seed varieties the Yellow Gourd-Seed is produced, which is often mistaken for an original form.

6. Southern Small Yellow Corn.—The ears of this sort are more slender, as well as shorter, than the last named variety; the grains are smaller, though of the same form, of a deeper yellow, more firm and flinty, and contain an abundance of oil, which renders them more valuable for the purposes of shipping, or for feeding to poultry and swine. Although it is less productive than the big yellow, it ripens earlier, and consequently is sooner out of the reach of the autumnal frosts. Some valuable hybrids have been produced between this and the big yellow, the Virginian white gourd-seed, and other large varieties.

White Corn.—The varieties which constitute this division are exceedingly variable, both as regards their composition and size, as well as in their yield and times of coming to maturity.

1. Rhode Island White Flint-Corn.—The grains of this variety are about the size and shape of those of the Tuscarora corn, but differ from them in containing an abundance of a transparent and colourless oil, which may easily be seen through their clear, pellucid hulls. The farinaceous parts of the grains are white, and as the quantity of oil they contain is large, the flour is more substantial as an article of food, and less liable to ferment and become sour. In Rhode Island, where it produces an abundant yield, it is a favourite grain, and stands in high repute.

2. Southern Big White Flint-Corn, having a large thick cob, with twelve rows of kernels, much resembling, in shape and size, those of the big yellow, and like that variety, is less productive than the white Virginian gourd-seed. It contains more starch, and less oil than the northern flint-corn; but is much softer and a better food for horses, though not so fattening to poultry and swine. When ground into meal, it is apt to become sour, and consequently is unfit to be