Page:The Hessians and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the revolutionary war.djvu/336

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army on short rations, 155; councils of war, 156; reconnoissance and second battle of Stillwater, 156-159; retreat to Saratoga, 160- 162; councils of war and negotiations, 162-169; surrender, 169; number of troops, 169; differences between Burgoyne and Riedesel, 170-172 ; soldiers lay down their arms, 181; Burgoyne meets Gen- eral Gates, 183; is snubbed by Baroness Riedesel, 170, 183, 184; apologizes to Schuyler, 184; convention of Saratoga broken, 180, 181 ; Burgoyne's conciliatory policy, 256.

Burke, Edmund, speaks in the House of Commons, 30.

Bushkirk, Lieutenant-Colonel, in command at Paulus Hook, 227; Paulus Hook surprised in his absence, 228.

Butler, Colonel, at Boundbrook, loS-i 10; skirmish near Raritan Landing, IIO-I12.


Cabale und Liebe, Schiller's tragedy quoted, 25, 26.

Cadwalader, Brigadier-General John, does not cross the Delaware, 92 ;

joins Washington, 106. Cadwalader, Colonel Lambert, second in command at Fort Washington,

80 ; negotiates the surrender, 81. Cambridge, Mass., German prisoners at, 188-193. Cambridge, Vt., Baum captures stores at, 144. Camden, S. C, Gates routed, 265 ; Greene defeated, 270. Camden, Lord, speaks in the House of Lords, 34, 35. Campbell, Major-General John, sails to West Florida, 251 ; besieged in

Pensacola, 253 ; capitulates, 254. Campbell, Colonel William, at Guildford Court House, 268, 269. Campbell, Lieutenant-Colonel, takes Savannah, 239, 240. Canadians with Baum's expedition, 142 ; escape from Bennington, 146. Carleton, General Sir Guy, Governor of Canada, interviews with Lidians,

121, 122; naval battle on Lake Champlain, 122, 123; occupies and

abandons Crown Point, 123 ; partially superseded by Burgoyne,

136; supersedes Sir Henry Clinton, 282. Carlisle, Earl of, speaks in the House of Lords, 33, 34. Cassel described, i. See Hesse-Cassel.

Catherine H., Empress of Russia, sister to the Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst, 13. Cavendish, Lord John, speaks in the House of Commons, 29. Chad's Ford. See Brandyivine. Champlain, Lake, American fleet on, 121 ; naval battle, 122, 123; part

of the thoroughfare from New York to Canada, 138 ; boats brought

from Lake Champlain to the Hudson, 151. Charles I. See Brutiszvick- Ltc7tebiirg. Charles Alexander. See Anspach-Bayreiith. Charles Frederick William. See Anspach. Charles William Ferdinand. See Bi-imswick-Liinebiirg. Charleston, S. C, threatened by General Prevost, 240; occupied by Gen-