Page:The Hessians and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the revolutionary war.djvu/343

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Hanau. S>&e Haynati ; Hesse- Hattati ; Hessian Soldiers.

Hand, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward, skirmish, 76 ; at Trenton, 95.

Hanover Court House, Va., Lord Cornwallis near, 272.

Hanoverians sent to Gibraltar and Minorca, 14.

Hanxleden, Colonel von, of the VValdeck regiment, killed in West Flor- ida, 253.

Harnage, Major, wounded, and his wife, in the cellar with Baroness Rie- desel at Saratoga, 173, 174.

Haynau, General von, son of William, Count of Hesse-Hanau, commits atrocities in Brescia in 1849, 7-

Heath, Major-General William, letter to Washington concerning scarcity of wood, 190, «.; left in command in the Highlands during Wash- ington's Virginia campaign, 276.

Heeringen, Colonel von, his account of the battle of Long Island, 65-68.

Heister, Lieutenant-General Philip von, appointed to command the Hes- sians in America ; his interview with the Landgrave, 58 ; crosses the Narrows to Long Island, 62 ; announces the defeat at Trenton to Schlieifen, 96 ; out of favor with Sir William Howe, 96 ; is re- called, 114 ; dies, 115.

Herkimer, General Nicholas, battle of Oriskany, 148, 149; dies, 150.

Hesse-Cassel, custom of the Landgraves to let out troops, i, 2; popula- tion, 6. See Hessian Soldiers.

Hesse-Cassel, Landgrave Frederick II. of, lets out troops, 2, 3; married a daughter of George II., 5 ; his character, 5, 6; treaty with England, 19, 20 ; Frederick the Great's contempt for him, 24, 25 ; Seume, 38, 40; interview with Heister, 58; indignation at the surprise of Tren- ton, 97; recalls Heister and writes to Knyphausen, 114, 115; his conduct discussed, 291, 292. See Numbers.

Hesse-Hanau, county of, its situation, 7, 46 ; Anspachers pass the winter at Hanau, 51. See Hessian Soldiers.

Hesse-Hanau, Count William of, lets out troops, 3 ; his character, 6, 7 ; he writes to King George III., 7, 15; amount of subsidy received, 7 ; taxes remitted, 8. See Numbers.

Hessian soldiers — Cassel, general description, 37-45 ; start from Cassel, 46 ; journey, 55-57 ; on Staten Island, 58 ; Long Island, 59-69 ; battle, 62-69 ; New York, 71 ; skirmish at Manhattanville, 72 ; sail up East River, 74; second division joins the army, 75; skirmish, 75, 76 ; Chatterton Hill, 76, 77 ; storm Fort Washington, 80-83 5 plundering in New Jersey, 86 ; Trenton, 93-96; second engage- ment at Trenton, 106; sail for Chesapeake Bay, 197; Brandy- wine, 198-200; grenadiers occupy Philadelphia, 210; German- town, 201-203 ; Fort Mercer (Redbank), 204-207 ; retreat across New Jersey, 213, 214; Newport, 215-220; hard fare in New York, 222,223; skirmishes near Courtland Plantation and East Chester, 223, 224; two regiments sail for Canada; storm and capture, 230- 238; at Savannah and in South Carolina and Georgia, 239-242;