Page:The Hessians and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the revolutionary war.djvu/346

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Lafayette, Major-General Marie Paul Joseph Roch Ives Gilbert de Mo- tier, Marquis de, meets Baroness Riedesel, 193, J94; wounded att Brandywine, 199; escapes Sir William Howe (Barren Hill), 211 ; marches to Virginia, 271 ; retreats to the Rappahannock, 273; re- turns following Cornwallis, 273, 274; Green Spring, 274, 275 ; York- town, 277-281.

Laurel Hill, a redoubt on, 79 ; taken by Lord Cornwallis, 80. See Fort Washington.

Lauzun, Armand Louis de Gontaut Biron, Duke de, commanding a. legion near Gloucester, Va., skirmishes with Lieutenant-Colonel Tarleton, 278, 279.

Lee, Major-General Charles, disobeys Washington, 85 ; misbehaves at Monmouth Court House, 213, 214.

Lee, Major Henry, surprises and abandons Paulus Hook, 227, 228; at Springfield, N. J., 259; routs a party of Tories, 267; Guildford Court House, 268, 269.

Lee. See Fort Lee.

Leslie, General A., in command at Princeton, N. J., 91 ; sails to Virginia and South Carolina, 265 ; joins Lord Cornwallis, 267 ; Guildford Court House, 268, 269.

Lessing, Gottlieb Ephraim, librarian to the Duke of Brunswick, 8.

Levy money paid to the Duke of Brunswick, 17; to the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, 19.

Lincoln, Major-General Benjamin, not at the battle of Stillwater, 159; threatens Savannah and returns to Charleston, 240 ; action at Stono Ferry, 241 ; joins D'Estaing in attacking Savannah, but is repulsed, 242; Charleston threatened by Sir Henry Clinton, 243, 244; inac- tivity of Lincoln, 245 ; siege and surrender, 244-250.

Linsingen. See Grenadiers.

Little Egg Harbor, the Triton captured and taken into, 236, 237.

Long Island {plan, 63), invaded by the British and Hessians, 59 ; de- scription, 61 ; skirmishing, 60-62; battle, 62-68 ; the Americans re- treat to New York, 68, 69 ; expeditions to Long Island, 225.

Loray, Captain Friedrich Heinrich, at the battle of Long Island, 63.

Lords, debate in the House of, 30-35.

Lossberg, Lieutenant -General Friedrich Wilhelm (.') von, supersedes Knyphausen in 1782, 282. See Regiment.

Louisiana, operations in, 252.

Luttrell, Hon. James, speaks in the House of Commons, 30.


MacCrea, Jane, killed by Indians, 138.

MacKonkey's Ferry, Washington crosses the Delaware, 92.