The Hind and the Panther.
But what th' Apostles their successours taught,They to the next, from them to us is brought,Th'undoubted sense which is in scripture sought.From hence the church is arm'd, when errours rise,To stop their entrance, and prevent surprise;And safe entrench'd within, her foes without defies.By these all festring sores her counsels heal,Which time or has discloas'd, or shall reveal,For discord cannot end without a last appeal.Nor can a council national decideBut with subordination to her Guide:(I with the cause were on that issue try'd.)Much less the scripture; for suppose debateBetwixt pretenders to a fair estate,Bequeath'd by some Legator's last intent;(Such is our dying Saviour's Testament:)The will is prov'd, is open'd, and is read;The doubtfull heirs their diff'ring titles plead:All vouch the words their int'rest to maintain,And each pretends by those his cause is plain.