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Page:The Hind and the Panther - Dryden (1687).djvu/65

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The Hind and the Panther.
Nor less amaz'd this voice the Panther heard,Than were those Jews to hear a god declar'd.Then thus the matron modestly renew'd;Let all your prophets and their sects be view'd,And see to which of 'em your selves think fitThe conduct of your conscience to submit: Each Proselyte wou'd vote his Doctor best,With absolute exclusion to the rest:Thus wou'd your Polish Diet disagree,And end as it began in Anarchy:Your self the fairest for election stand,Because you seem crown-gen'ral of the land;But soon, against your superstitious lawnSome Presbyterian Sabre wou'd be drawn:In your establish'd laws of sov'raigntyThe rest some fundamental flaw wou'd see,And call Rebellion gospel-liberty. To church-decrees your articles requireSubmission modify'd, if not entire;
