Page:The History and Travels of Hector Maclean, Late Sailor.pdf/3

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THE following Hiſtory preſents the Reader with nothing but Facts that are well known to many other Sailors who have been in thoſe Parts of the World where our Author has been. Nor muſt the Reader expect as accurate Obſervations and Deſcriptions of Animals, &c. as if it had been wrote by a Scholar and a Naturaliſt. The ſole Intention of the Book is to entertain the charitable Reader with unpoliſh'd and delightful Truths, from the Mouth of a poor blind Seaman, who has no other Means of ſubſiſting himſelf and ſmall Family than this his Hiſtory; and he humbly hopes the Smallneſs of the Pricewill