Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/114

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upon his last unfortunate expedition. He effected the restoration of order and tranquillity amongst his subjects, which had been so sadly broken during the last years of the reign of his father. He nominated his brother-in-law Mithridates to the important and honourable office of prime minister.

In the first year of this prince's reign the kingdom was invaded by the Greeks, who imagined from the state of confusion that followed the death of the king, and the youth of his successor, that Armenia would become an easy prey to a bold and enterprizing enemy. In this however they were deplorably mistaken. On the first news of the approach of the Greeks, Tigranes, accompanied by his relation Mithridates, placed himself at the head of a few troops, and attacked the invaders with such skill and determined bravery, that they received a total overthrow; and the survivors were very glad to relinquish their hopes of a splendid conquest for the certainty of personal safety. The kingdom was soon cleared of these adventurers. Immediately after this event Tigranes repaired to Majak or Cesarea, taking possession of Asia Minor, which he placed in charge of Mithridates, appointing him king of Pontus and the regions about the Mediterranean. To enable the latter to remain firm in the government which had