Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/116

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doms of Mithridates, was placed under the dominion of his son Ariarath, a child of eight years of age, assisted by a man of experience and talent named Gordius.

The Cappadocians having appealed to the Romans against the usurpation of Mithridates, they sent to their assistance Cornelius Sylla the younger, of Cilicia, a renowned captain. This latter, having entered Cappadocia, encountered and overthrew Gordius, the guardian of the young Ariarath, and placed upon the throne Ariobarzan, of the family of the ancient kings of that country.

Mithridates was no sooner informed of the success of Sylla, and the expulsion of his son, than he dispatched a messenger to Tigranes for assistance. The latter sent two of his generals, Mihran and Bacoor, against Cappadocia, the newly-appointed king of which, Ariobarzan, with his ally Nicomedes, king of Bithynia, not daring to meet the invaders, fled to Rome. As soon as the Armenian leaders entered Cappadocia, they restored the young Ariarath to his throne. Elated by the success of this his first contest with the Romans, Mithridates collected a large army, and put to sea a fleet of 300 sail for the purpose of annoying them and their allies. The Romans, duly informed of these measures of Mithridates,