Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/118

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he would deliver them from the power of Anlio- chus, who was then upon the throne. Tigranes hereupon advanced against Antiochus and de- feated him, to the great joy of the Seleucians, whom he thenceforward governed. He also subdued the whole of Assyria, with the excep- tion of a few unimportant places. On his leaving Seleucia he appointed a viceroy over it, of the name of M azdat, a native of Antioch. He after- wards made ah incursion into Palestine, whence, on his return to Nisibis, he brought a number of Jews, to whom he gave the village of Vardkes, near the river Casakh, at which place they settled.

On the death of Cornelius Sylla, the cele- ^^^; brated Roman general, the treaty made by him with Mithridates was revoked by the Roman Senate, and war again declared between them^ and him. Mithridates having informed Tigranes of the rupture, the latter, by a forced march of his army, entered Cappadocia unexpectedly, and subdued the whole country, out of which he drew 30,000 of the population, and sent them to Armenia, where they had villages and towns allotted to them for settling in. He then return- ed to his own kingdom, after having dispatched to Mithridates a large body of Basenian troops reinforce his army. A considerable detachment of Armenians was previously in the army of this


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