Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/121

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the pursuit of Mithridates, he will obta» aid from Tigranes, and who can withstand his power?"* Mithridates again appearing in arms against the Romans, mutinies and treasons broke out among his troops ; several of his generals deserting him and going over to the Romans. At length, utterly despairing of success in his contest with these people, he retired in a state of despondency to Armenia. Tigranes was so much offended at his conduct in thus relinquish- ing all hope, that he would not suffer him to appear in hi3 presence for one year and eight months.


The Exploits of Tigranes against the People of Ftolofnais, and afterwards against the Romans.

6133* While Mithridates was thus a fugitive in Armenia from the Roman power, queen Selena, ' otherwise Cleopatra, the consort of Antiochus Pius, who, as we have seen, was driven out of Seleucia by Tigranes, excited a rebellion amongst the Assyrians and Seleucians, against the power of the Armenians. It will be recol*

« See Hit t. B. II, o. 6.

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