Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/123

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of bis bfficexB named Appios to him, Tel)uirhi|( the immediate delivery of Mitfaridates to the Roman State. *' In the event of a refusal/* says he, '* Mre are prepared to commence hostilitiei with you/' Tigranes replied, that it was impos* sible for him to comply with the demand of the Roman general, since Mithridates was con«  nected with him by ties of kindred. With this answer he dismissed Appius, after having loaded him with presents. War now became inevitable between Tigranes and the Romans. Mithridates was immediately put in command of 10,000 cavalry, and dispatched with them to Pontus.

Lucullus, with his army, advanced upon Ti- granakert and laid siege to it. Tigranes, hearing this, sent 6,000 troops to the place, which, taking the Romans by surprize, broke through their camp, entered the city, and succeeded in rescu- ing many of the king's concubines who resided there ; and besides carried off a large quantity of treasure, with which they returned to Tigranes. 3935 1 On the publishing of this exploit the Romans were struck with shame and astonishment. Ti- granes, having completed his warlike preparation, men, all clad in iron armour. LncuUus hearing of Ais was much alarmed, and having left some troops at Tigr«iakert to continue the sieg« ad*


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