Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/128

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i, an4 adyised tbepi to die with him. Tl^ey solicited ^ir fathei* to permit them firs|; to perish, and taking the cup from his handsi dr^jplk a part of th^ poison of which they soon ex- pired*

Tl^e wretched Mithrid^les drank the remain* der, which 90t operatipg as quickly as be wished, he stabbed bii^^elf with his sword, which failed in producing the desired efect. He then nought to ms^e the ppi^fH^t 9perat(9 by walking. In the meantime the isipb penetrated into the fortress and surrounded him on all aides, on whi^h he c^led out to a spldier to guide his hand, and wjt^ a great ^prt plunged bis sword into hi^ breast, fell and expired. Thus perish^ ed Mithridates, after ruling vanous Un\iW for a period pf 50 yei^rs-*

Before this event happep^ed, Tiran, the aon of 3939 ; Tigranes^ haying ingratiated himself with some ^^^* of the Armenian chiefs, excited a rebellion ag9^t his father, ^nd ii^dyced Arshejs the king of Persia to join him« They marched against and captured several cities i^ Armenia. Bu> haying laid siegie pp the f^ipf of Aftmkst^ it- w^fp w^U ^e^d^d fhfit thejir ^oyj» to reduce i\, were yj^^viuljing. A^^ r/emaining before it §fm^ days, Arshez grew we^^y of the enter- prize^ and returned to his country* Tigra^es,

  • Sea HitL fi. II, c. 9.

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