Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/135

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the^ventof his subsequent release, it might be impossible for him to retain the office of high priest of the Jews ; there being a law amongst these people, that all the priesthood should be entirely free from spot or blemish in their persons. Phaeselus, the brother of Herod, struck with terror at the sight of this action, endea- voured to kill himself by beating bis head against a stone, his hands being bound. He in- flicted a severe wound on himself, although it bad not the effect he wished. A surgeon being sent for to attend upon him, he was soon made away with by the application of poisonous dressings to the wound in his h€ad» secretly directed by Antigonus. After these events Barzaphran sent directions to Gnelus, who bad been so successful in his projects with regard to Hyrcanus and Phaeselus, to endeavour to in* veigle Herod also into his hands. But the latter, alarmed by the state in which Hyrcanus was kept, and aware from private information of the deceitful character of Gnelus, was proof against all his machinations. Not deem- ing it, however, safe to remain in Jerusalem, with a few of his relations he quitted it by night, and took refuge in the fortress of Masadan in the land of the Edomites. After providing for the safety of his family at this place, he went to the city of Petra, where

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