Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/15

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I cannot, but with respect and veneration mention here the name of that illustrious man, Sir William Jones, the founder of your respectable Society; whose indefatigable labours have given birth to so excellent an Institution, and whose laudable endeavours have succeeded in promoting the grand object he had in view. Emulating his bright example, you have with praise-worthy exertions laboured to aid the march of general knowledge, by the production and trans- lation of various original monuments of ancient and more modern times; the perusal of which in your Researches has filled my mind with profound regard to your excellent Institu-- tion, and with a fervent wish for its continuance and increased success.

Under these gratifying circumstances, and urged by a sense of respect and esteem towards such an honourable body, — for your literary productions have rendered you truly ho* nourable, — I take the liberty of expressing my admiration and paying a tribute to your laudable exertions. In fulfilling this duty, I see no other better mode, than by soliciting to dedicate to your Society ** The History of Armenia/' which is a humble attempt at translation into English by

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