Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/169

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On the news arriving at Rome of the intentien of Tirithus to visit that city, the emperor issued commands to the governors of those places through which he would have to pass, to pay him every kind of respect and honour. When he arrived on the confines of Italy, Neco sent a magnificent chariot to convey him to Rome, Tirithus having previously journeyed on A.D.66. horseback. On his approach to the imperial city, Nero came out to meet him ; and as it was customary to be presented to the emperor unarmed, Tirithus was desired to lay aside his sword. This he refused to do ; but to remove all suspicion, he caused the blade of his weapon to be nailed to the scabbard, and in this manner approaching the emperor, he kneeled and sa* luted him. The reception he met with from the latter was princely and kind, and the two monarchs proceeded to Rome together. The emperor had previously given directions to decorate the area before his palace with various ornaments, such as flowers, and garlands, and to illuminate the whole with torches and flambeaux. On their arrivaU which was to- wards evening, Nero first alighted ; and entered the area, clad in his imperial robes. Tirithus foUowed, hfibited as a Parthian; and seating himself on a throne prepared for the purpose^ was then crowned by the hands pf the emperor^

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