Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/171

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��C H A P T E R X.

Tfie reign of Erwand the Second.

A.D.68. ElawAND, of the family of the Arsacidae om the mother's side, succeeded Sanatruk in the government of Lower Armenia, and proved a warlike and truly great character. Athletic in his make, and with a particularly fierce expres- sion of countenance, this prince could not be looked upon without inspiring a sensation of fear. But so amiable was he in manners, so generous in disposition, that he was universally beloved previous to his accession to the throne. During the life of Sanatruk, Erwand had more than once distinguished himself as possessed of more than ordinary talents, and on the death of this monarch, instead of one of his sons succeeding him, the chiefs and people with one voice called Erwand to the throne, neglecting the usual custom of summoning the Bagratian nobles to perform the ceremony of coronation. Erwand's advancement, however, proved the bane of his viitaes ; for, immediately after his assumption of the royal power, he stained his hands witK

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