Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/174

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Erwaz chief priest, and called this city Bagaran.. Another city owes its existence to the public spirit of this monarch, which is situated opposite to Erwandashat, and which took the name of Erwandakert.*

Erwand, after these works, cleared a large a.d.83. forest between the two rivers before mentioned, and formed in it a magnificent park, which he stocked with abundance of wild animals, such as deer, asses, and boars, for the purpose of enjoying the pleasures of the chace. All the actions of Erwand, in the mean time, were watched by an individual of the name of Tur, in the interest of Sumbat, who gave constant information of them to his employer, but being at length detected by the king was put to death.

After a residence of eighteen years in Persia, A. d. 87. when young Artaces had grown up to manhood, 8umbat his friend and guardian began to think of some means for restoring his young ward to his lawful inheritance. Having communi* cated his projects to Darius the king of Persia, the latter assisted him with troops to attempt the conquest of Armenia. He gave him a large body of Assyrians and the legion of Atropatia, with which, accompanied by young Artaces, then in his 20th year, he set out on his expedition.

When the news of the march of Sumbat a.d.88.

• See Hist. B. II, c. 27. S

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