Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/182

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10 pmuut tbem to Dariu9> as a maik of iits I^Utude to that monsvrpb for the paternal kindness with which jb^ hai treated bm in the tione of his .adversity.

Artacea then repaired and considerably en- a.d.89, Jai)0ed the city of Artasfoat. jBe raised many voiy beautiful edifices in it and fortified it; after which he made it the seat of his gomrn- ment.

This prince protected and nourished com- merce. He foiuU bridges over various rivers, and oonstruoited numbars of small ships^ which by facilitSiting the transport of merchandize, furnished a means of livelihood to hundreds of the poc^est of his subjects. He encouraged industry, and during his reign scarcely an indi- vidual in Armenia was in want of employment. He 9IS0 divided Uie kingdom into districts, sertting up pilars lOf ^one to distinguish their boundaries, eaph havingjhis name engraven qn it* He was also a great lover of literature; for he founded mpiny colleges for the instruction of the Armenian youth in fi^tronomy, history, mathematics, &c. &c. and caused the sciepcea to be taught in the Armenian language, usiog the Persian and Syriac.characters; the Armenian, characters fit that period not being invented. The fame of Artaces, on account of thus im-

|^9VJiog his mngdom> and the condition of hi^.


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