Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/19

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hundred years ago by two sons of the celebrated William Whiston, and published in London with the text, but scarcely a copy of it can at present be procured, except in College Libraries or in the collections of the curious. A complete History of Armenia has been long considered a great desideratum. Travellers from various parts of Europe have journeyed through the extensive plains of Armenia, but all the informatiou they have gained respecting that unfortunate country have been very limited, mostly confined to the local history of the mouldering ruins of her ancient greatness and magnificence. Indeed, since Armenia lost her free- dom, European travellers have considered her as a province of the kingdom which subjugated her, and have not directed their enquiries to her former state as ail independent power.

These circumstances induced me to attempt the translation of the present volume, which is a complete History of Armenia, from the formation of the naiion to the present day. As a translator it is essentially necessary for me to give due information in my prefatory remarks of the nature of the work, as well as of every other circumstance connected with the translation. In the first place, I shall speak of the motives which guided me in undertaking the translation. Secondly^ of the author of the work and the Venetian Society, of which he was a member. Thirdly, of his partiality in religious affairs. Fourthly, of the ancient historians from whose works his history was compiled. Fifthly, of the division of the work into periods, and of the principal events

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