Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/196

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t)!! her reaching the spot where the confluence of the rivers Arax and Murz, takes place, which is in the district of Basen, she was seized with the pains of labour, and there brought forth Valarsh. In commemoration of this cir- cumstance, this prince, on ascending the throne, built a city on the spot where he first saw the light, and named it after himself Valarshavan. He afterwards extended and a. a 197. adorned the village of Vardkes, situated on the river Casakb, surrounding it with strong fortifi- cations, and changing its name to Valarshapat. To this place he subsequently transferred his court.

This monarch appointed a solemn festival in honour of Jupiter, the father and king of the gods, which he directed to be celebrated annually on the first of August, or '* Navasard/' This holiday was afterwards called the feast of Johannes Carapiet, and Athanagenes, martyrs. Valarsh also made considerable improvements in the province of Bagrevand, by erecting in it many public edifices, on which account it was also called Valarshakert, or Alashkert. About this period, Armenia was invaded by a a«d.2U horde of Lazirs and Basils, branches of the Sarmatians, who entered the kingdom by the country of the Alans. Valarsh immediately asseoibled an army, attacked and routed the

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