Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/213

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ther prince, Bacur, governor of the country of Alznies, followed the example of Sanatruk, and became independent, having secured the alliance and protection of the Persians. These examples caused other chiefs to deem themselves free, and Armenia became the scene of daily tumults, contentions, and rebellion. A feud broke out between three noble families, the Buznunians, Manavazians, and Dunians or Ordunians, by which they were all destroyed and their races became extinct. Some chiefs, more than ordinarily well disposed, at this crisis came to St. Vertannes, who was still alive, but living in obscurity, and having consulted with him, determined on appointing a head to the nation. Their choice fell upon Khosrove, the son of the deceased Tiridates, to render whose sway more successful and permanent, they applied to the Romans for assistance to subdue the rebels. Constantine the emperor, son of Constantine the Great, sent them a large force under the command of Antiochus, steward of his house, with a letter expressive of his friendship, kingly garments, and a crown, for the purpose of investing Khosrove with the sovereign authority.

The ceremony of this prince's coronation having been performed, Antiochus presiding at the spectacle as representative of the emperor,