Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/216

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soldiers and northern division. With these he crossed the river Arax, and directed his march to the westward; at the same time he issued orders to Bagarat and Vahan to lead the eastern and western divisions towards the north. The enemy attacked the troops commanded by the king and Mihran, and after asevere contest, gave them a complete defeat. Mihran was killed in the action, and the king, with the remnant of his men, obliged to flee into the country of Zophs. Shapuh and Sanatruk then advanced to the city of Valarshapat, to which they laid siege. Whilst they were pushing on their operations here, Bagarat and Vahan arrived with their respective troops, when a fight ensued. in which the Armenians proved victorious, driving their bee beyond the fortress of Oshakan. The country into which the Persians were pursued was almost impassable, from the strong nature of the ground. Here the enemy determined to make another stand against the victorious leaders Bagarat and Vahan. A battle more obstinately disputed than the former here followed. In the mid>t of the conllict a man of gigantic stature and cased in impenetrable armour, issued from the enemy`s ranks, and made dreadful havock amongst the troops of Vahan and Bagarat; and although hundreds of arrows were discharged athim, yetnot a wound was indicted. Vahan