Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/222

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determined to separate himself from the Roman troops, and being much beloved by the Arme- nian soldiery, he drew off the whole of his division, and retired with it to the province of Timoris, there to dwait the result of those actions of the king, which had iiiduced him td adopt the measure he had pursued. Julian, highly incensed at this defection of his Armenian auxiliaries, wrote to Tiran, and after informing^ him of the event, gave his advice as to the steps the latter ought to pursue, saying, *^ if Zura has acted thus without your know;ledge, you should destroy him and all his race." The king, follow* ing this cruel recommendation, succeeded in drawing Zura into his power, after pledging him an oath for his safety ; and then massacred him with all his family, excepting his nephew, a youth of about twenty years of age, who is supposed to be the individual known by the name of Dirastamatin. Tiran then appointed Salamut prince of the province of Anzta, to succeed Zura in the command of the southern division. On the death of Julian the apostate, Valen- tinian, who succeeded him as emperor, proposed peace to the Persians. Shapuh, not liking the terms, recommenced hostilities, and marched towards Greece. On approaching the frontiers of Armenia, he recollected the injury he had sus- tained from Tiran on the first expedition of

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