Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/224

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The reign of Arsaces the Second, and the ppntifi^

cate of Nierses the First.

Arsaces the Second, son of Tiran the Second, ^ ^* ^^ ascended the throne of Armenia under the aus* pices of the king of Persia. This prince, instead of studying the welfare of his subjects, and im- proving his kingdom, was no sooner in possession of the crown, than he began a career of vice and licentiousness. In the second year of his reign, Phamerseb the pontiff died, having held that dignity for the short period of three years. It a. d. 364, will be recollected, that we stated in our last chapter, that the Armenians had invited Nierses, one of the posterity of St. Gregory, then residing at Constantinople, to return to Armenia, with the ultimate view of nominating him to the pontifical chair. For some reasons he had delayed accepting the invitation at that period, and now, upon the death of Pharnerseh, it was renewed. Complying with the people's wishes, be hastened into Armenia, where he was invested

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