Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/238

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the inhabitants surviving, ordered his troops to oease from slaughter. Those of the citizens that escaped death during the storm he took with him as prisoners, and ordered that henceforward the tribe of the Sennies should remain without a chief, as Andovk, their late head, had held out the city against him. After liaving caused the Armenian troops, which he had sent to Nisibis before the siege, to rejoin bim,iie quitted the country. Gnelus^ chief of the Anzevazies, was appointed general of the eastern division of the Armenian army in the room of Andovk.


��The destruction of Arshacavan and tJie Cruelty


On the reconciliation of Arsaces with Shapuh, a.d. sw. and the march of the latter into Greece, the former began to build a city on that part of Mount Ararat which is in the province of Kog. Having finished it he called it Arshacavan. Desiring to people it as quickly as possible, he directed it to be proclaimed, that all who would take up their habitation in his new city should be free from the arm of justice, and should not be amen- able to any tribunal for any crime. On this being publicly known, the city was soon stocked

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