Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/242

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soffioiently strong to subdue the rebel cbieft. Nerseh the Camsaracan, at the head of the party against the king, on receiving notice of the latter's determination to bring the quarrel to a speedy issue, united all the forces of bis col- leagues^ and marched against the royal army. The opposing troops soon met, and a well con- tested battle ensued ; many fell on each side, yet neither party pioved victorious. The next day both armies retreated from the scene of the combat to recruit. While they were in this a, d. arr. state, and preparing for a second conflict, a body of Grecian troops, under the command of Theo- dosius» made its appearance on the frontiers of Armenia, the cause of which viras as follows : Valens, the successor and brother of the em- peror Valentinian, had been informed that the Armenians had assisted the Persians, when the latter, under the command of Shapuh, under- took an expedition against the^ empire. He also was aware that Arsaces bad furnished a body of troops to the Persiao monarch. On this account he had issued orders to his general Theodo- sius to invade Armenia, and ravage the country. Arsaces, on seeing himself surrounded hy his foes, having on his right and left bis insurgent chiefs, and in front the troops of the em- peror, was in an agony of distress ; and having scarcely any other means of preserving himself

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