Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/271

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of AnMbia, endeavoured to entice them back by appointing Khosrove king over it.

A. D. 38S. Khosrove the Third, of a branch of the Araaci^ dee, shortly after the departure of Arsacea to assumed the crown of that portion of ceded to the Persians. The king of Persia, immediately after this event, sent mes* sages to the chiefs, who had accompanied Arsaces, inriting them to return and resume! possession of their lands in Eastern Armenia. Most of them accepted this invitation and went back, but a few remained attached to Arsaces. Among the latter were the illustrious Dara» brother-in-law of Arsaces, and general of his army, the brave Oazavon, son of Spaihdarat the Camsaracan, and a few others, whose posses- sions were, for a while, confiscated by king Khosrove.

A.D.as9. Just before the chiefs, who had accepted Shapuk's invitation, set out on their return to Eastern Armenia, a quarrel took place between Arsaces and Isaac, the Bagratian noble, which induced the latter, with three other distin* guished chiefs, to abandon Arsaces, and join themselves to Khosrove. On the departure of Isaac and his party from Erisa, Atsaces gave directions for the royal treasures to be taken out of the fortress of Ani, and conveyed to the coun* try of Zophs, The forfner quiddy got intelfi^

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