Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/296

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countries as a body-guard. They generally performed all expeditions with Armenian sol«  diers. In times of exigency, they would send for troops from Persia. Their general place of residence was the city of Duin.« Here they collected the tributes, and hence they were dispatched to the Persian king. The period of their prefectures was unlimited. Those ap- pointed from amongst the Armenians had pre* cisely the same power and privileges as others*

^hen this country fell under the dominion of the Caliphs of Damascus, whose power super- seded that of the Persians in Armenia, Prefects were usually sent at the head of a large body of troops to take possession of the government. The city of Duin was generally the seat of their power, and thence they spread their army over the kingdom, keeping the Armenians in awe, and ready to oppose an invader at whatever point he presented himself. They were not altogether independent in the exercise of their authority ; being placed under the immediate control of the governor of Atropatia. On particular emergen- cies, however, they were allowed to inflict capital punishment. The appointment of Lieute- nants to provinces rested solely with them.

Sometimes the Prefect was appointed by the Caliph, from amongst the Armenians, but he was not allowed the power of punishing criminals

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