Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/299

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258 HI8T0ET OF AJtM£NlA»

they had done him, besought him to be their sole pontiff. He refused complying with their wishes, informing them that he had beheld a vision, wherein he was forewarned of the removal of the pontificate from the house of the Illumi- nator, and of the kingdom from the race of the Arsacidse. He then retired to a village called Blur, in the province of Bagrevand, and there died, on the 30th of Navasard (August), the

A.D.440. anniversary of his birth, A. D. 440. His body was buried in the village of Asbtishat. A mag- nificent church was erected over his remains^ and an annual feast appointed in remembrance of him, on each return of which, as we are told,

A.D. 440. many miracles were wrought. Mesrop, or Mash- toz, sumamed the blessed, succeeded St Isaac, and died after a short pontificate of six months. TThis event took place in the city of Valarshapat; his remains were interred in the village of Os- hakan. An annual feast was also instituted in remembrance of him.*

A. D. 441. Joseph, from the village of Holozim, in the valley of Yayoz, a disciple of St. Isaac and Mesrop, by the direction of the latter just before his death, took possession of the pontifical chair. Not being a bishop, he was not qualified to confer ordination, this office being performed by Surmak, the expelled pontiff, of whom we made

  • See Hilt. Book II, c 58 and 60.

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