Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/306

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Armenian nobles* They found a ready admit- tance into the mansions of those who had become any way relaxed in their faith, and by this means introduced into Armenia the abominable and ridiculous worship of ashes and cinders. Yardan, observing the progress of these minis*^ ters of a miserable and detestable superstition, and having no means of applying a remedy, with his family quitted the couutry. When the other diiefs heard of his departure they sent messengers after him, and with much importu* oity persuaded htm to return. They then joined him and drove from their houses the Magi and their leader. Hereupon Vasak, the Prefect, with a view to support the idolaters, assem- bled the Persian troops in the province of Bagrevand, but they were attacked by the Armenian chiefs and completely defeated. Many prisoners were made, and among the rest Vasak, who» by entreaty, and swearing on the evan- gelists to remain henceforward constant to Christianity, was released. The Armenians then convened an assembly in Shahapivan, at- tended by a number of bishops, when the latter, having stated the calamitous condition of the country, thus addressed those present: We now have to choose either to forsake our reli- gion and recover our lost kingdom, or to keep our faith and suffer martyrdom. The first it is

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