Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/313

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7%e wickedness of Vasak^ and the martyrdom of

the Vardanians.

A. D. 451. The king of Persia^ observing that all his endeavours to lull the vigilance of the Armenians were ineffectual, assembled a large army» and placing Mihrnerseh at the head of ]t» directed him to march into Armenia, and massacre the inhabitants indiscriminately. Mihrnerseh went to Phaitacaran, and sent for the apos- tate Vasak, by whom he was informed of the preparations for resistance of the united party; and earnestly besought^ as a prepa- ratory step, to endeavour to dissolve Hbeit union. Vasak then took two priests^ named Zangak and Peter, and two deacons^ Isaac and Mashie, and with them affirmed to the leaders of the united christians, on oath, that Hazkert had directed that they were to be permitted henceforward, quietly to profess their religion. He declared to them, that Mihrnerseh was ooae to subdue them by the sword, if they were not content to accept the terms he had offered ; which were, that if the christians would be content to remain ia peace« they

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