Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/321

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A.D.454. Sometime after» Hazkert engaged in a war with the Huns, and on his setting out with his army against that people, he directed the im* prisoned Armenian chiefs and priests to be conveyed in irons to the castle of the city of Neushapuh» and there made orer to the charge of the chief of the Magi> in order that they might be allowed no ease. The chief Magus> in his endeavours to make them quit their religion by torments, observed that the hand of the Almighty was stretched forth for thdr protection, and became a proselyte to chris* tianity. He beheld in a vision the blessed saints, the Vardanians, surrounded by the glory of God, and rejoicing at his conversion. Hazkert was unfortunate in his expedition against the Huns, who routed him and his troops. Snraged at the disgrace of being beaten, the king con* suited his Magi, who assured him that his defeat was without doubt owing to hia not having put to death the imprisoned priests, who had overturned the altars of the Persian gods*

  • ' Hence, said they, " the wrath of our gods is

kindled against you." When Hazkert heard this, he immediately caused the priests Samuel and Abraham, whom he had taken with him on his expedition, to be brought out and tortured to death. He then sent Denshapuh to the castle of Neushapuhy to dispatch those confined

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