Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/334

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HtStOHY OF A&M£N1A. 2dl

army, the ehkfe swdairiiig fo obey Mm iQ ev^ tbiBg appertainmg to war. Ik the meantime the apo&tate chiefe, Who had accompanied Atir-^ wusbna^ ib his iight^ strongly adfised him to faasteB to the attack of the Vahanians, before they had time to finish Aeir preparations. The fugitive Prefect, acting upon their sugges- tioBS, gathered an army froia the coimtry of man, with which he immediately marched into Armenia. The invaders crossed the river Arax, and prepafed to enter Nakhjuan. When the Vnhamans were informed of the advance of theif esMmies, they held a council, and resolved to leave Isaac the prefect, Yahan the general, Yahan the Camsaracan^^ and a few other chiefs, ia Duin, to protect it in case of exigency, wkile the remainder, amounting to no more than 460 men, proceeded to meet the invaders. Pre* vions to theif setting out, these gallant and ftiithfiil Armenians entered the church of the city, and there solemniy devoted themselves to tile service of their country and religion. They then advanced to the village of Yarazfcert, where they halted and sent forward Vasak, the brother of Yahan the general, with a few men, to the village of Curwak, to reconnoitre the enemy and discQves-'hiS' force. On the dawn of the next morning, Atirwushnasp arrived with his

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