Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/338

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lots of only one man killed, as we have obserred, by Oaijoile Malkhazuni.

They offered praise and thanksgiving to God for the success he had given them in this memorable battle. Whilst they were thus en- gaged, and rejoiciog at the defeat of their ene- mies, two Armenians, Vargosh Gunthuney, and Vasak Saharuney^ who bad deserted their ranks during the fight, arrived at the city of Duin, and informed the pontiff Joban and others, that the Armenians had been entirely overthrown by the Persians, and that they alone had escaped. When the inhabitants of the city learned this news, they were plunged into the deepest afflic- tion. While mourning pervaded all hearts, Arastom the Gnunian arrived, and raising his Toice, exclaimed, ** The power of the holy cross has conquered, and will ever conquer!" He then gave a circumstantial account of the late contest, which inspired the people with rapturous joy. They immediately assembled in the church, and there offered up their gratitude to the Most High for the signal favour he had vouchsafed them. While they were engaged in this act of devotion, the gallant little band, the subject of it, arrived, when all joined in glorifying God. The Vahanians immediately after sent ambassadors to Val thanl;^ king of Georgia, claiming the perfcnrmance of a promise he formerly made them, to assist

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